POST Api/Service/Order/AddIntactPurchaseOrder
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
SpeedPower.Utility.Models.Project.Orders.Service.IntactPurchaseOrderModelName | Description | Type | Additional information |
PurchaseIncludes |
采购单包含乘客列表 |
Collection of SpeedPower.Utility.Models.Project.Orders.Service.AddPurchaseIncludeModel |
Required |
PurchaseMembers |
采购单采购账户列表 |
Collection of SpeedPower.Utility.Models.Project.Orders.Service.AddPurchaseMemberModel |
None. |
PurchasePayables |
采购单付款项列表 |
Collection of SpeedPower.Utility.Models.Project.Orders.Service.AddPurchasePayableModel |
None. |
OrderId |
父级ID |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
PurchaseOrderNumber |
采购订单号 |
string |
Required String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
PurchaseOrderType |
采购单类型 |
SpeedPower.Utility.Models.Project.Orders.Enums.PurchaseOrderType |
None. |
TotalPrice |
采购总价 |
decimal number |
None. |
PlatName |
采购平台名称 |
string |
Required String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
PurchaseTag |
采购路由标识 |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
ProviderCode |
采购数据源标识 |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
CabinLevel |
采购舱位级别 |
SpeedPower.Utility.Models.Service.Eterms.Enums.CabinLevelType |
None. |
CabinCode |
采购舱位 |
string |
Required String length: inclusive between 0 and 3 |
ProductRules |
采购产品规则 |
string |
None. |
Remarks |
备注内容 |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 500 |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "PurchaseIncludes": [ { "PurchaseOrderId": "ed5413ce-5bf3-43c4-94de-863580f54804", "PassengerId": "f99d04ad-6177-4851-bdf2-706116eb3dc0", "TicketNumber": "sample string 3" }, { "PurchaseOrderId": "ed5413ce-5bf3-43c4-94de-863580f54804", "PassengerId": "f99d04ad-6177-4851-bdf2-706116eb3dc0", "TicketNumber": "sample string 3" } ], "PurchaseMembers": [ { "PurchaseOrderId": "0fc3dfcd-6c38-4a44-bc04-7961d8f0b773", "UserName": "sample string 2", "Password": "sample string 3", "ContactPhone": "sample string 4", "Remarks": "sample string 5", "MembersId": "sample string 6" }, { "PurchaseOrderId": "0fc3dfcd-6c38-4a44-bc04-7961d8f0b773", "UserName": "sample string 2", "Password": "sample string 3", "ContactPhone": "sample string 4", "Remarks": "sample string 5", "MembersId": "sample string 6" } ], "PurchasePayables": [ { "PurchaseOrderId": "3e3f2b88-5836-40a6-8926-ae8aa43b5416", "PayPrice": 2.1, "PaymentTag": "sample string 3", "PaymentCode": "sample string 4", "PaymentAccount": "sample string 5", "TransactionId": "sample string 6", "Reconciled": true, "Remarks": "sample string 8" }, { "PurchaseOrderId": "3e3f2b88-5836-40a6-8926-ae8aa43b5416", "PayPrice": 2.1, "PaymentTag": "sample string 3", "PaymentCode": "sample string 4", "PaymentAccount": "sample string 5", "TransactionId": "sample string 6", "Reconciled": true, "Remarks": "sample string 8" } ], "OrderId": "9a8ca61f-e4f4-4bf9-9b39-151c3c6a134e", "PurchaseOrderNumber": "sample string 2", "PurchaseOrderType": 0, "TotalPrice": 3.1, "PlatName": "sample string 4", "PurchaseTag": "sample string 5", "ProviderCode": "sample string 6", "CabinLevel": 0, "CabinCode": "sample string 7", "ProductRules": "sample string 8", "Remarks": "sample string 9" }
Response Information
Resource Description
SpeedPower.Utility.Models.Helper.ResultMessageName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Succeed |
操作是否成功 |
boolean |
None. |
Message |
操作消息 |
string |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Succeed": true, "Message": "sample string 2" }