GET Api/Service/Order/GetPurchaseOrderShowById/{PurchaseId}
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
PurchaseId |
采购单ID |
globally unique identifier |
Required |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
SpeedPower.Utility.Models.Project.Orders.Service.ParentPurchaseOrderModelName | Description | Type | Additional information |
PurchaseIncludes |
采购单包含乘客列表 |
Collection of SpeedPower.Utility.Models.Project.Orders.Service.GetPurchaseIncludeModel |
None. |
PurchaseCallBacks |
采购单外部调用日志列表 |
Collection of SpeedPower.Utility.Models.Project.Orders.Service.GetPurchaseCallBackModel |
None. |
PurchaseMembers |
采购单采购账户列表 |
Collection of SpeedPower.Utility.Models.Project.Orders.Service.GetPurchaseMemberModel |
None. |
PurchasePayables |
采购单付款项列表 |
Collection of SpeedPower.Utility.Models.Project.Orders.Service.GetPurchasePayableModel |
None. |
PurchaseFollowups |
采购单操作处理列表(退,改) |
Collection of SpeedPower.Utility.Models.Project.Orders.Service.ParentPurchaseFollowupModel |
None. |
RecordType |
记录添加方式 |
SpeedPower.Utility.Models.Project.Orders.Enums.RecordType |
None. |
PaymentUri |
支付链接 |
string |
None. |
Manual |
是否支持手动半自动支付 |
boolean |
None. |
Creater |
创建人 |
string |
Required String length: inclusive between 0 and 128 |
Time |
添加时间 |
date |
None. |
ID |
设置ID |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
OrderId |
父级ID |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
PurchaseOrderNumber |
采购订单号 |
string |
Required String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
PurchaseOrderType |
采购单类型 |
SpeedPower.Utility.Models.Project.Orders.Enums.PurchaseOrderType |
None. |
TotalPrice |
采购总价 |
decimal number |
None. |
PlatName |
采购平台名称 |
string |
Required String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
PurchaseTag |
采购路由标识 |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
ProviderCode |
采购数据源标识 |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
CabinLevel |
采购舱位级别 |
SpeedPower.Utility.Models.Service.Eterms.Enums.CabinLevelType |
None. |
CabinCode |
采购舱位 |
string |
Required String length: inclusive between 0 and 3 |
ProductRules |
采购产品规则 |
string |
None. |
Remarks |
备注内容 |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 500 |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "PurchaseIncludes": [ { "ID": "0222ba97-aa99-464c-a12c-f50770b58fc6", "PurchaseOrderId": "3db2c166-9750-4e47-81e0-e5e4d5349797", "PassengerId": "f27d9d30-0fe3-4c62-93b6-7ef1bdb3c476", "TicketNumber": "sample string 4" }, { "ID": "0222ba97-aa99-464c-a12c-f50770b58fc6", "PurchaseOrderId": "3db2c166-9750-4e47-81e0-e5e4d5349797", "PassengerId": "f27d9d30-0fe3-4c62-93b6-7ef1bdb3c476", "TicketNumber": "sample string 4" } ], "PurchaseCallBacks": [ { "Creater": "sample string 1", "Time": "2024-12-24T03:11:31.5397544+08:00", "ID": "b4d336dd-e153-4d13-addd-055851e36944", "PurchaseOrderId": "a5adb0c4-8b56-422a-80b4-dbf30a450d02", "Status": 1, "Remarks": "sample string 5" }, { "Creater": "sample string 1", "Time": "2024-12-24T03:11:31.5397544+08:00", "ID": "b4d336dd-e153-4d13-addd-055851e36944", "PurchaseOrderId": "a5adb0c4-8b56-422a-80b4-dbf30a450d02", "Status": 1, "Remarks": "sample string 5" } ], "PurchaseMembers": [ { "Time": "2024-12-24T03:11:31.5397544+08:00", "ID": "ba20146d-e27c-4eb7-abc9-cc78b841623d", "PurchaseOrderId": "9bd1e2c7-0a76-4696-9760-60b8af899677", "UserName": "sample string 4", "Password": "sample string 5", "ContactPhone": "sample string 6", "Remarks": "sample string 7", "MembersId": "sample string 8" }, { "Time": "2024-12-24T03:11:31.5397544+08:00", "ID": "ba20146d-e27c-4eb7-abc9-cc78b841623d", "PurchaseOrderId": "9bd1e2c7-0a76-4696-9760-60b8af899677", "UserName": "sample string 4", "Password": "sample string 5", "ContactPhone": "sample string 6", "Remarks": "sample string 7", "MembersId": "sample string 8" } ], "PurchasePayables": [ { "RecordType": 0, "Creater": "sample string 1", "Time": "2024-12-24T03:11:31.5397544+08:00", "ID": "6708dd76-b342-45f0-8842-afdd161e2eae", "PurchaseOrderId": "da657527-2b77-43fd-a1a0-f5adcd5b3357", "PayPrice": 5.1, "PaymentTag": "sample string 6", "PaymentCode": "sample string 7", "PaymentAccount": "sample string 8", "TransactionId": "sample string 9", "Reconciled": true, "Remarks": "sample string 11" }, { "RecordType": 0, "Creater": "sample string 1", "Time": "2024-12-24T03:11:31.5397544+08:00", "ID": "6708dd76-b342-45f0-8842-afdd161e2eae", "PurchaseOrderId": "da657527-2b77-43fd-a1a0-f5adcd5b3357", "PayPrice": 5.1, "PaymentTag": "sample string 6", "PaymentCode": "sample string 7", "PaymentAccount": "sample string 8", "TransactionId": "sample string 9", "Reconciled": true, "Remarks": "sample string 11" } ], "PurchaseFollowups": [ { "PurchasePayments": { "RecordType": 0, "Creater": "sample string 1", "Time": "2024-12-24T03:11:31.5397544+08:00", "ID": "e7ab9bb3-0eb1-4ba0-8aa0-61a56a83457c", "ClaimlPrice": 4.1, "ServicePrice": 5.1, "Confirmed": true, "Reconciled": true, "TransactionId": "sample string 8", "Remarks": "sample string 9" }, "RecordType": 0, "ApplyStatus": 0, "Creater": "sample string 1", "Time": "2024-12-24T03:11:31.5397544+08:00", "ID": "5bced6d5-7614-492f-9b65-b660a9b5974f", "PurchaseOrderId": "3d4bde34-5206-4de8-8ff1-9b14c67cf829", "ApplyType": 0, "Remarks": "sample string 5", "CSegmentId": "414439a2-ddc6-4a44-a80b-5f3d478a1cc7", "LinkedId": "9b5931c6-b601-4907-9922-d70b9dcf07eb", "PassengerIds": "sample string 6" }, { "PurchasePayments": { "RecordType": 0, "Creater": "sample string 1", "Time": "2024-12-24T03:11:31.5397544+08:00", "ID": "e7ab9bb3-0eb1-4ba0-8aa0-61a56a83457c", "ClaimlPrice": 4.1, "ServicePrice": 5.1, "Confirmed": true, "Reconciled": true, "TransactionId": "sample string 8", "Remarks": "sample string 9" }, "RecordType": 0, "ApplyStatus": 0, "Creater": "sample string 1", "Time": "2024-12-24T03:11:31.5397544+08:00", "ID": "5bced6d5-7614-492f-9b65-b660a9b5974f", "PurchaseOrderId": "3d4bde34-5206-4de8-8ff1-9b14c67cf829", "ApplyType": 0, "Remarks": "sample string 5", "CSegmentId": "414439a2-ddc6-4a44-a80b-5f3d478a1cc7", "LinkedId": "9b5931c6-b601-4907-9922-d70b9dcf07eb", "PassengerIds": "sample string 6" } ], "RecordType": 0, "PaymentUri": "sample string 1", "Manual": true, "Creater": "sample string 2", "Time": "2024-12-24T03:11:31.5397544+08:00", "ID": "b200279f-8099-4d1e-a691-ca1021d069b8", "OrderId": "01b3c814-d063-4b4f-b663-af29aec3fa89", "PurchaseOrderNumber": "sample string 6", "PurchaseOrderType": 0, "TotalPrice": 7.1, "PlatName": "sample string 8", "PurchaseTag": "sample string 9", "ProviderCode": "sample string 10", "CabinLevel": 0, "CabinCode": "sample string 11", "ProductRules": "sample string 12", "Remarks": "sample string 13" }